Post-Operative Instructions:
Following dental extraction, it is normal to have pain and swelling. The swelling normally increases for the first 48 hours and then subsides over 5-7 days. You may also experience bruising. The stitches if used are generally dissolvable unless advised otherwise.
We advise:
- Not to consume alcohol for at least 24 hours following sedation.
- Not to smoke as this may upset healing.
- Not to operate machinery or drive for 24 hours following sedation.
PAIN: Effective pain relief can be achieved by using over the counter analgesics regularly.
It is recommended that you take both 2 tablets of paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen tablets 4-6 hourly, these tablets can be taken together or you can take 2 paracetamol tablets then 2-3 hours later 2 Ibuprofen.
A script for stronger pain relief tablets may have been provided, these tablets contain narcotic or codeine and can contribute to:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sedation (sleepiness)
- Constipation
WARNING: Ibuprofen must not be taken with some types of asthma, gastric irritation or an allergy to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
BLEEDING: A small ooze of blood is common for the first 12-24 hours.
If bleeding is heavy or persistent:
- Gently rinse out your mouth with cold water.
- Place a clean damp gauze pack or similar over the bleeding area and bite firmly on the pad for 20-30 minutes.
- Bed rest with the head slightly elevated
If bleeding persists or is severe, please contact us immediately.
MOUTHCARE: Oral Hygiene is very important and promotes rapid healing.
Commencing the day after surgery:
- Gently brush teeth with a soft brush.
- Gently rinse your mouth out with warm salty water or mouthwash following each meal morning and night.
Infection is uncommon and generally shows itself after 3-5 days with an increase in swelling and discharge. Contact our rooms if this occurs.
SWELLING: Ice packs can be applied to the side of the face where surgery was performed.
As tolerated for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for first 36 hours.
DIET: Your diet will need to be restricted to fluids and soft foods initially.
A gradual return to a normal diet is recommended after the 1st day.Please note that limitation of mouth opening normally follows oral surgery and returns to normal during the healing.